Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Tajikistan received almost all steel products from other regions of the country. The annual demand of Tajikistan was nearly 2 million tons and the country today is in need of significant quantities of steel products, because it is located in a seismically active geotectonic zone. Large hydraulic structures, transport facilities, many civil engineering projects are being built in the country that require a significant amount of iron and concrete structures. Buying as many (or at least half of it!) of steel products for the Tajik economy is almost impossible. Given it recent years additional exploration is done by geology survey of the previously explored iron -bismuth deposit Chokadambulak, located in the economic and industrial developed region in the northern of the country, near the city of Khujand.
On the state balance of this deposit are magnetite ore reserves of more than 100 million tons. There is the prospect of growth of iron ore to several hundred million tons. Average iron content in the ore is nearly 40%. The deposit is characterized by a common ore composition, mode of occurrence, and relates to the contact - metasomatic skarn type. The ore bodies are composed of magnetite, forming almost monomineral body or intense disseminated in the host skarn ore bodies. Value field increases significantly due to the presence of industrial bismuth, gold, silver and other elements in some ores.
In 1965, the institute " Sresazniprotsvetmet " developed a feasibility study "On the feasibility of the production of ferrous metals and bismuth in Central Asia, on Chokadambulakskih ores base." However, at that time, the deposits of high-quality coking coal and anthracite, the manifestations of manganese ore had not yet been discovered and studied in Tajikistan, and as well as the presence of the extractable components in Shohkadambulakskiy ore were not detected. In addition, during that period there was another economic and political situation in the region.
Thus, the field needs a new feasibility study, taking into account today's realities, including anthracite, manganese mined ores in the country recent years.
Apart from Shohkadambulakskiy deposits of magnetite ore - Bartsch near Khorog with 270 million tons inferred resources and Kharangon near Dushanbe with up to 52% iron content were discovered.
Currently, the production of ferrous metals and mining complex of the unique field Shohkadambulakskiy is under consideration by the government of the country.