Dear Compatriots,
Today, as the blissful Tajikistan meets Navruz Holiday-traditional New Year of our ancient people I would like to sincerely congratulate the glorious people of Tajikistan, our compatriots abroad and the people of the Navruz civilization basin on the occasion of this ancient Holiday.
Navruz and our other national holidays - Sada, Tirgon and Mehrgon are the unique phenomena that have played a significant role in the history of our people for thousands of years as a factor of our-Tajiks permanence.
The Aryan tribes celebrated Navruz with great solemnity back in the fifth millennium BCE, during the reign of the Pishdadian dynasty.
Essentially Navruz - a spiritual and creative complex originated three thousand years before the emergence of Zoroastrianism and four and a half thousand years before the emergence of the sacred religion of Islam, and according to reliable historical sources in ancient times it has been celebrated in the territory of different peoples and nations.
The most important moment in the history of the emergence and spread of Navruz is that its philosophy, wisdom and logic have nothing to do with any religion or religious movement, rather it is a purely folk ritual, equal for everyone, a holiday of nature and agriculture or by other words the beginning of the year.
It means the reason for the spread of Navruz in such a wide geographical area is that the essence of Navruz as a natural and essentially a public holiday is the idea of equality of people.
Thanks to this essence of Navruz, young and older can freely and equally celebrate and participate in festive events.
Another humane wisdom of Navruz is the eradication of hatred and enmity, the forgiveness of each other's sins, tolerance and mutual understanding, and thereby maintaining the stability of society.
The social and moral significance of Navruz is great, and it is a sign of the creative and humane thinking of our people from ancient times.
To this end the customs and traditions of Navruz embodied the outstanding phenomena of humanism and high spirituality, the recognition of their truth contributes to spiritual self-knowing and national self-consciousness, as well as the expansion of the moral culture of society.
In this regard, I would like to proudly underline that Navruz, with all its rich and colorful history, has been revived in our country thanks to the state independence with all its richness and diversity as a symbol of a new day, the beginning of a new year and new initiatives has become the best means of national self-knowledge and self-awareness, unity and mutual understanding of the people.
Dear Compatriots!
This year Navruz holiday is celebrated in Jaloliddini Balkhi district of Khatlon region.
It should be noted that the residents of Jaloliddini Balkhi, as one of the largest districts of the Khatlon region during the period of state independence, as well as residents of other cities and regions of the country live and work in peace and stability and work for the benefit of the progress and prosperity of our beloved Motherland.
It should be noted that Navruz is celebrated by the inhabitants of the Khatlon region, including Jaloliddini Balkhi, as the day of the revival of nature and the beginning of the work of farmers with special splendor and special folk traditions.
The way of life and the material and spiritual culture of the inhabitants of this ancient place were historically formed and improved in combination with the traditions of Navruz, and over time acquired a new form and meaning.
The Khatlon region, including the Jaloliddini Balkhi district, is famous for its beautiful nature, fertile lands and hardworking people, as well as crop production and horticulture, protecting the country's food security and enriching the consumer market with fresh fruits and early vegetables.
It is gratifying that on the eve of the Navruz holiday in the Jaloliddini Balkhi region, the construction of a number of new and modern facilities has been completed, some of which we have opened today.
In particular, as a result of the painstaking work of the residents of the district, a preschool institution for 330 places, a presidential lyceum and two hostels for teachers and students, beautiful squares of the National Flag and the State Emblem of Tajikistan were commissioned today.
Also, a number of other objects commissioned in honor of the great Tajik thinker Jaloliddin Balkhi - an alley and a monument, a symbolic mausoleum and a museum of this outstanding historical figure, are among the objects commissioned today, which are clear evidence of diligence, patriotism, and love for the homeland of Balkhi is considered national tradition, the Navruz holiday and the memory of this great son of the Tajik people.
With the construction and commissioning of a new facility, the center of the Jaloliddini Balkhi district has turned into a modern and beautiful city, one of the most beautiful places in the country.
Thanks to the name of this great thinker, the Jaloliddini Balkhi area can become a great place for recreation for residents of the country, foreign guests and tourists.
In connection with the good traditions of Navruz, I would like to emphasize that they are in complete harmony with the creative goals and intentions of our people, especially on the eve of the great national holiday - the 35th anniversary of the state independence of Tajikistan.
Therefore, we all must intensify the landscaping and development activities for a worthy celebration of this sacred holiday, ensure the implementation of our creative ideas and plans, make all cities and regions of the country more comfortable and prosperous.
As you can see, the world is currently entering a new phase of a severe financial and economic crisis and, in connection with this, a sharp rise in prices.
In such precarious situation, I would like to address to farmers and emphasize once again that they must effectively use each favorable spring day, try to get three or four crops from one land and thus increase growth in order to ensure production.
Nature has provided us with every opportunity, including fertile land, abundant water, and many sunny days.
Most importantly, we are a hardworking people with a high historical culture and with a great agricultural experience.
We must use these opportunities effectively, work smart, work hard and produce as much as possible.
I would like to draw the attention of all residents of Tajikistan to one important issue: we should not worry about current problems.
On the contrary, we must be united, as in the past two years, the peak of the coronavirus pandemic, helping each other and not forgetting the difficult times, including the terrible years of the imposed civil war, with patience and support to each other.
We must work hard for the future development of our beloved Tajikistan, especially in the next five years, which have been declared as the “Years of Industrial Development” in the country, to create as many new jobs as possible for our compatriots, and to strengthen the country's export potential. Let's continue to improve the quality of life of citizens and make our beloved Motherland more prosperous and beautiful.
Protecting the achievements of the country's independence, especially in the current conditions of the modern world, where the political climate and the system of international relations are rapidly changing, requires every person in the country, especially young people, to give all their physical and mental energy to the land of our ancestors, to strengthen the foundations of national statehood, creation and development of our beloved Motherland.
I am sure that the esteemed residents of Khatlon region and Jaloliddini Balkhi district, together with all the proud people of Tajikistan, will make a valuable contribution to this process.
In conclusion, I would like to congratulate young and older, the glorious people of Tajikistan, our compatriots abroad, patriotic and proud residents of the Khatlon region and the Jaloliddini Balkhi district, as well as all participants of today's event on the occasion of International Day of Navruz – the ancient New Year of Tajik people, I wish every family of the country happiness, prosperity and peace, and our beloved Tajikistan - peace and eternal national unity.
Happy Navruz, dear compatriots!