Даргузашти Сулаймон Лоиқ
11.08.2020 16:31
Баррасии барномаҳои афзали ҳамкорӣ
17.02.2020 13:16
Дидори Сафир бо ҳайати раҳбарии Утоқҳои тиҷорат ва сармоягузорӣ
06.02.2020 11:44
Мулоқоти Сафир бо вазири давлат дар умури сулҳи Афғонистон
06.02.2020 11:42
جوانشیر حیدری درگذشت
06.02.2020 07:25
گرامیداشت از استاد باباجان غفوراف در کابل
06.02.2020 07:25
Гиромидошт аз устод Бобоҷон Ғафуров дар Кобул
02.01.2020 16:07
Participation of the delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan at the 8th Ministerial Conference “Heart of Asia/ Istanbul process”
On December 9, 2019, in Istanbul the 8th Ministerial Conference “Heart of Asia/Istanbul Process” under the motto “Peace, Partnership, Prosperity” ....
10.12.2019 13:52
The energy sector of the Republic of Tajikistan
Key indicators
General potential reserves is 527 billion kWh per year (the eighth in the world), 4% of the worldwide hydro ....
06.07.2019 09:40
Transportation sector of the Republic of Tajikistan
During the period of its independence, the Republic of Tajikistan continues advancement its economic infrastructure, including transportation sector which has ....
06.07.2018 09:40
The tourism sector in Tajikistan
Key indicators of tourism of the Republic of Tajikistan
Location: Central Asia
Area: 142.6 thousand square kilometers, mountains cover 93% of the ....
06.07.2018 09:40
State Symbols
In December 11, 1999, Majlisi Oli (Parliament) of the Republic of Tajikistan approved by its decree the States Symbol ....
01.03.2013 09:40