Address on Major Aspects of Tajikistan’s Foreign and Domestic Policies by the President of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation

21.12.2021 13:16

Address on Major Aspects of Tajikistan’s Foreign and Domestic Policies by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, H.E. Emomali Rahmon

21 December 2021, Dushanbe city

Distinguished Members of Majlisi Milli and Majlisi Namoyandagon,
Dear Compatriots,

In several days, the year of 2021, which was a truly historic and memorable year for the glorious people of Tajikistan and we marked the 30th Anniversary of the Independence and Freedom of our beloved Motherland in this year, will pass and our country will enter a new phase of its development and progress.

I am delighted and honored to outline that the period of Independence is the period of patriotic aspirations and creative efforts for the sake of protection of Tajikistan’s independence and freedom, and development and prosperity of our Motherland for our glorious people.

We all remember well that the first decade of Independence was an extremely difficult period of historical examinations for the people of Tajikistan. Therefore, I would like to recall that it was not easy for our people to reach these peaceful days.

The honorable Tajik people toiled faithfully, endured hardships and deprivations, sacrificed themselves, and demonstrated heroism in order to achieve the greatest yield of our independence, i.e. peace, political stability, national unity, the happy life we enjoy today, and to establish the new Tajikistan recognized and acknowledged by the world community today.

In the early 90s of last century – the period, when our independent state was just making its first steps, Tajikistan has been plunged into a whirlpool of intense political conflict and then into the flames of a coercive civil war with the intrigues of local extremist forces and their foreign sponsors that caused many casualties and huge material and moral damage.

At that time, the government branches and governmental agencies paralyzed in a very short period, and lawlessness and anarchy reigned in the country.

At that very complicated and hard socio-political circumstances, when it was impossible to arrange any political event in the capital city, we conducted the milestone 16th Session of Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan in the ancient city of Khujand, and adopted the initial orders to stop the war, ensure peace and stability, consolidate the Tajik nation, and restore the constitutional order.

I have to emphasize that the future structure of the Tajik state formation for the first time was proposed at this historical session, i.e., in the initial days of this session I stated my support in favor the democratic, law-based and secular country.

This life-changing session also adopted the National Flag of Tajikistan as one of the most important state symbols of our independence. With the support of our people and thanks to the measures taken by the newly elected Government of the country, we managed in a relatively short period to achieve the immediate goals we set forth.

Overall, it is worth mentioning that the achievement of peace, political stability and national unity and thereby rescuing the Tajik state from the danger of disappearing and saving the Tajik nation from disintegration is our greatest historical achievement during the independence, which we have gained thanks to sincere support of the glorious people of Tajikistan.

The repatriation of more than one million refugees, which was carried out in a short period of time in order to save the Tajik nation from disintegration, is the most important historical step in that difficult and hard period.

After the restoration of constitutional power, there was a need to adopt a new Constitution in order to determine the foundamental pillars of society, the form of government and other values of the state formation.

On November 6, 1994, for the first time in the history of independent Tajikistan, we adopted our Constitution as a momentous document through a nationwide referendum, and began constitutional reform by building on it.

We defined the structure of the new Tajik state by the will of the people and declared Tajikistan a sovereign, democratic, law-based, secular and integral state in the first article of this life-changing document.

We created a professional bicameral parliament, the Armed Forces, other military authorities, law enforcement agencies, legislative, executive and judicial branches as individual branches of government based on the Constitution.

We approved the State Emblem and the National Anthem as symbols of governance by building on the Constitution.

We acknowledged the humankind, and his/her rights and freedoms as the supreme values, and proclaimed the people as an expression of sovereignty and the only source of state power.

We recognized various forms of property as the foundation of the Tajik economy, and guaranteed free economic activities, entrepreneurship, and the equality and protection of property rights.

In line with the humanitarian policy, the Presidential Decree on suspension of death penalty of April 30, 2004, which led to adoption of a relevant law, introduced moratorium to the death penalty and its execution.

Additionally, during the period of independence, we adopted 17 laws on amnesty and thereby released 170,000 people from prison.

In particular, we adopted an amnesty law on September 7, 2021, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of our state independence, through which we released 11,500 people from criminal liability and sentence service.

At the same time, during the period of independence, we adopted and implemented four laws on amnesty of individuals and legal entities with a view to legalizing their funds and property, which had a positive impact on improving the investment climate and business environment.

During this period, we implemented comprehensive reforms to transfer from an administrative and target-based economy to a new system of economic relations, i.e., market economy.

We implemented a series of effective actions to restore the paralyzed system of public administration, to start the process of post-war reconstruction, to implement structural reforms and to diversify property, to create a favorable environment for business and investment, to establish national fiscal and monetary system, and to develop the important areas of economy as well as the social sector.

The government is gradually implementing its national strategic goals including energy security, ensuring connectivity and transformation into a transit country, achievement of food security and maintenance of access to quality food, and intensive industrialization and expansion of productive employment.

As a result, we started sustainable socio-economic development of the country in the second decade of our state independence and implemented enormous amount of activities in achieving our supreme goal – improvement of the living standards of the population.

Over the past twenty years, the average annual economic growth has been 7.5 percent, and the country's GDP has risen from TJS 1.8bn in 2000 to TJS 95bn in 2021 and the public budget revenues increased from TJS 252m to TJS 28bn. In other words, our GDP has increased by almost 53 times and so did the public budget by 111 times, while the GDP per capita has risen by more than 30 times.

During this period, we established more than 2,000 manufacturing enterprises in the country, and the industrial production increased by almost four times compared to the initial years of independence.

We also implemented comprehensive agricultural reforms for the first time in the history of our sovereign state, to ensure effective use of land and water resources and to protect the food security and entrusted the land use to farmers as the legitimate owners, which is one of the most important achievements of independence.

Back in the early years of our independence, i.e. in the very difficult years of 1992-1998, the Government of the country allocated 75000 hectares of land as presidential lands in order to provide the population with food and to prevent hunger.

In addition, over the past twenty years, 138 000 hectares of land, including 52000 hectares of irrigated land have been allocated to 1.4 million families for residential construction purposes. 8.8m residents of the country gained an opportunity to improve their residential state.

(Side note: I would like to recall that during 70 years prior to our independence, only 77000 hectares of land were allocated to 530 000 families for housing purposes).

During this period, we ensured irrigation in 54 000 hectares of newly developed lands and apply re-sowing of crops in almost 200 000 hectares annually.

As a result, during the period of independence, the culture of land use has radically improved, and it has become a tradition to get 2-3 harvest from one plot of irrigated land, which contributes to a significantly contributes to agricultural production increase.

In this way, we ensured the growth of agricultural production and increased it by 4 times from TJS 11bn in 1992 to TJS 40bn in 2021 that is increased by 4 times.

It is to be mentioned that currently more than 90 percent of agricultural production falls to the private sector.

This indicator testifies to the great contribution of the country's farmers in the process of achieving one of our strategic goals – ensuring of the country's food security, especially in the last two years, when we have faced drought and water scarcity issues.

It is particularly their hard work, thanks to which we ensured abundance of the consumer market and our people did not feel the shortage of food supplies.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the farmers of our country for their dedicated efforts.

We have constructed and commissioned 2400 kilometers of roads, 326 bridges, 6 road tunnels and 219 kilometers railways through 59 public investment projects worth TJS 24 billion in order to ensure the smooth movement and delivery of passengers and goods between the countries regions in throughout the year, and to ensure the country’s connectivity and thereby transform it to a transit country.

By doing so we achieved one of our one of our strategic goals in 2017 and ensured integrity of Tajikistan, which was torn apart into three separate regions, and connected the country with neighboring and other foreign states through transport corridors.

In order to achieve energy security and ensure energy efficiency we constructed and renovated 287 small and large hydropower plants, 15 000 kilometers of high-voltage transmission lines, 50 high-voltage substations were built and reconstructed, and overall, thus renovated 75% of the country's energy infrastructure during our independence. In this period, we created more than 2000 megawatts of additional energy capacity.

As a result, we created a unified energy greed in 2011 and ensured the sector’s stability in the new history of Tajikistan.

Over the past twenty years, we have mobilized more than TJS 150 billion of foreign investment, including TJS 59 billion of foreign direct investment.

We have managed to mobilize more than TJS 35 billion of foreign direct investment for development of industry only.

During this period, the government implemented TJS 91 billion worth of public investment projects in energy, transport, agriculture, education, healthcare, social protection, housing and municipal services and other areas.

In this period, we channeled more than TJS 97 billion from all sources of public budget funding for the development of science, education, healthcare and social protection.

Over 30 years of state independence, we built and commissioned 3240 new educational institutions for 1.4 million students.

(Side note: The total number of secondary school students reached 2.2 million in the country).

During the independence, we built and commissioned 173 new types of educational institutions such as lyceums, gymnasiums, presidential schools, international schools and educational institutions for talented students and 196 private pre-school facilities and secondary education institutions. These institutions cover 150 000 students.

We built 39 new primary and secondary vocational institutions and 28 higher education facilities, which increased their number to 144 and 41 respectively.

This academic year, the number of students in primary and secondary vocational schools as well as higher education institutions more then 120 000 and 245 000 respectively, and this increased the number of former by 1.6 times and later by 3.5 times compared in 1991.

During the independence period, the number of talented youth sent abroad to study has been annually growing, and has reached more than 42000 students in 25 foreign countries in the 2021 academic year.

(Side note: Every year we send more than 5,000 of our talented youth to study abroad.)

In this period, we have constructed and put into operation 2723 healthcare facilities, including 1546 facilities with the total amount of TJS 3.5 billion with the public budget financing.

Throughout the independence, the State and the Government have paid a particular attention to the development of entrepreneurship and investment, and the entrepreneurs and investors are currently enjoy more than 110 incentives and tax and customs reliefs.

The number of state business registration authorities has been reduced from 4 to 1, the registration time shortened from 49 to 3-5 days, and it is provided free of charge.

We have revised the Tax Code of Tajikistan, which well become effective on 1 January 2022. With a view to ensuring intensive industrialization of the country, developing the entrepreneurship and investment and thereby creating the new jobs, for the first time in the history of our independence, we not only caped the previously introduced incentives and preferences but also introduced many additional reliefs into the revised code disregard of their negative impact on the fiscal revenue.

Furthermore, we reduced the number of taxes from 10 to 7 and minimized the rates of several of them.

As I have highlighted on many occasions, the the supreme goal of the State and the Government of the country is to improve the living standards of wellbeing of our honorable people.

To this end we adopted and implemented 3 poverty reductions documents, 2 public welfare improvement programs and a long-term development strategy over the recent twentyy years. Currently the National Development Strategy to 2030 and 176 public programs are under implementation.

We channeled, TJS 174 billion from all sources of funding for the implementation of these strategies and programs over the recent 20 years.

To address the social issues of the population, more than 25000 industrial, social and infrastructural facilities have been built and put into operation in the framework of the plan for landscaping and development on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the State Independence over the past three years alone.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to the honourable people of our country, including all patriotic entrepreneurs and generous people for the valuable contribution they made in the process of landscaping and development activities, particularly in creation .of education and health facilities on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of State Independence.

These efforts and implementation of strategies and programs over the years of independence, enabled to create more than 3.3 million permanent and seasonal jobs in the country and gradually improve the living standards of the population.

Thus, the average wage has increased by 87 times while the size of pensions has increased by 80 times and the monetary income of the population by 75 times in this period.

Over the 30 years of independence, the country's population has increased from 5.5 million to 9.8 million, or by 1.8 times, and it will reach 10 million in 2022.

In 2020, the life expectancy of the population has reached 75.1 years and increased by 5 years compared to 1991.

The total mortality rates droped by 40%, maternal mortality at birth by 73% and under-5 child mortality by 85% respectively.

The poverty rate declined from 83% in 1999 to 26.3% in 2019, which is one of our most significant achievements of the independence period. *

(Side note: The following evidences also prove the improvement of the public living standards during the independence period:

while there were 277000 phone subscribers in 1991only, the number of mobile phone subscribers alone has reached more than 8 million people in 2021;

- Currently, there are over 4.2 million Internet users in the country;

- In 1991, only 216000 private vehicles were registered in Tajikistan;

- Over the last twenty years of alone, the country has imported more than 73000 cars; during the Independence the population has privatized more than 320 000 vehicles and other machinery meaning they gained more than 2 million personal vehicles;

- Over the years of Independence more than 875 thousand vehicles and other type of machinery have been imported for private use purposes;

  • in last 10 years alone, the population spent TJS 30 billion for mobile service es;
  • if we count the private sector assets in monetary values, the immovable and financial assets of private sector companies accounted for almost TJS 400 billion, though our people did not use the term “private sector” in the prior to independence period.
  •  While in 2000 the population savings in the banking system amounted to TJS 93 million, it reached TJS 10 billion in 2021 and thus increased by 109 times.
  • During the Independence, 1.4 million families gained the land plot for housing construction).

As I had emphasized on many occasions, we strive to create decent living conditions for every citizen of our country, and all our plans and programs particularly focused on the achievement of this supreme goal of the state.

Despite the accomplishments and achievements we have made so far the Government is obliged to further prioritize the grater diversity and combativeness of the national economy, wider digitalization, green economy, intensive industrialization, application of innovative technologies and human development to address the exciting issues and challenges and thereby to insure the sustainable and quality national economy development.

Thus, it is important to ensure at least 7% of annual GDP growth and to double the GDP per capita during the next 5 years, given the increase of population to 11 million.

We also need to establish more than 870 industrial enterprises, reach the industrial output of TJS 95 billion and double its exports.

The share of industry in the country's GDP should reach 26% and the diversification of industrial production should be ensured in this process.

Given the great importance of industry in the country’s further development, in addressing the socio-economic issues and ensuring the achievement of the national strategic goals, including intensive industrialization of the country, I propose to declare the period of 2022-2026, until the 35th Anniversary of the State Independence of Tajikistan, as the Period of Industrial Development.

In this period, we need to create more than 500 thousand new jobs, to doubly the population’s monetary income, to increase the share of the middle class to 45%, and eventually reduce the poverty rate to 15 %.

The Government of the country always attaches great importance to the development of education, as well as training and upbringing of the young generation.

To this end, over the next five years, more than 1000 educational facilities should be built and put into operation at all levels of education.

In virtue of implementation of the major projects on construction and restoration of energy facilities in the country, we b to increas believe we will be able to increase the country's energy capacity to 10 000 MWt and thereby achieve one of the strategic goals of the State-absolute energy independence in the next 7 years.

Taking into account the global climate change and the need to develop green energy, the Government should adopt the Republic of Tajikistan’s Green Economy Strategy by the end of 2022 and ensure its implementation.

It is also crucial to strengthen the reform in the communications sector and ensure the gradual transition to the digital economy and digital services in all areas in an effort to rationally digitalize the national economy and form its technological base.

I would like to emphasize that this is the current reality and demand.

Addressing the social issues in a timely manner and creation of conditions for decent life, particularly through the regularly creating the new jobs, increasing the population’s income, salaries, pensions and stipends are among the priority issues for this period.

In this regard, with a view to strengthening the social protection of the population, I would like to propose the following:

  • to increase the currently effective salary of military servants and the law enforcement authorities by 25% and the other staff of these authorities by 20% as of January 1, 2022.
  • to increase by 20% the wage of the staff in public executive authorities, education, culture, sports, healthcare, social protection institutions and other budget funded organizations, as well as scholarships of students as of July 1, 2022.
  • to increase the effective pension of the full orphans, and semi-orphans, who deprived of their custodians by 25% of the minimum age-based pension amount as of July 1, 2022.
  • to increase by 50% the minimum salary as of July 1, 2022 and to identify it at the amount TJS 600.

The government is mandated to undertake necessary measures to implement these initiatives.

With a view to promoting public employment it is important to adopt and implement the productive employment concept of Tajikistan to 2040 and mid-term programs for its implementation.

In this regard, I would like to once again emphasize that the Government of the country has to cover the unskilled citizens about the age of 18 with occupational skills courses and undertake additional actions to ensure population’s labor skills.

More than 1 million citizens of the country need to be equipped with vocational skills over the next five years.

Furthermore, it is necessary to enhance the quality of education and vocational training in educational institutions, introduce specalties and skills demanded the labour market, and undertake additional activities to ensure employment of the residents, particularly youth and woman.

It is important to create up to 200 thousand new jobs through the development of services, in particular tourism, finance and banking, transport and connectivity and other areas.

Moreover, it is essential to continue the reforms to improvement the public administration and ensure its effectiveness at the current and further phases of the country's development.

In the complex global economic and geopolitical environment, in the context of trade conflicts, increasing nature of sanctions, climate change, the rise of food prices, the spread of COVID-19 pandemic and other negative factors affecting the national economy, the Government is taking all preventive measures, which enabled to achieve 9% growth of GDP in 2021.

During this period economic growth was achieved thanks to 22 % increase in manufacturing of industrial products, 6% in agricultural products, 23% in investment to capital, and 13% in trade.

This year, we achieved the fiscal revenue targets and the population’s monetary income has increased by 15 % compared to 2020, and reached to more than TJS 75 billion.

However, the country still has huge amount of untapped resources for improvement of macroeconomic indicators and public well-being.

Therefore, the Government should take additional measures in 2022 to effectively use the existing opportunities and capacities, achieve projected of socio-economic development indicators and to ensure at least 8% of the GDP growth.

The implementation of an effective public finance policy, with a particularl focus on financial stability, improvement of the taxation system and effectiveness of public finance management and enabled gradual increase of fiscal revenues.

In following up this process, we projected TJS 33 billion revenues in 2022, which is 19.4 % more compared to 2021.

Simultaneously, we area annually increasing social-expenditures and their share in the public budget expenditures will reach 43.8 % in 2022.

In this regard, the Ministry of Finance jointly with other ministries, agencies and local executive authorities are mandated to take explicit actions to ensure achievement of fiscal revenues in a timely and quality manner, to increase the efficiency and transparency of public expenditures, to improve its supervision, to find tune external audit and human resource management.

In addition, the Ministry needs to undertake effective measures to move to international financial reporting standards, proper application of modern software for financial transactions, and to widely introduce digitalization in this sphere.

During the independence period, the number of financial institutions has reached 63 and their subdivisions 1850 units in the country.

The banking system capital has increased 130 times compared to the year of 2000.

The amount of deposits has increased almost 100 times and currently, the outstanding balance accounts for TJS 10 billion.

The total amount of loans issued during the independence has amounted to TJS 117 billion, including TJS 13 billion in 2021, of which 37% is channeled to manufacturing entrepreneurship.

(Side note: However, these indicators still do not meet the country's development needs).

The banking system is key to the development of real sectors of the economy, proactive engagement of the private sector and increasing foreign trade. However there are still many challenges in the monetary policy, recovery of the banking system and provision of accessible long financing.

In this regard, it is crucial to undertake strict measures to increase long-term soft loans in particular for manufacturing business, to provide quality services with the use of digital technologies and the fully move to non-cash settlements, as well as to mobilize greater amount of domestic and foreign investments to the banking system.

At the same time, it is important to undertake practical steps in order to increase the number of banks, strengthen the risk management system, and to expand the charter capital of financial institutions.

The National Bank, the State Saving Bank Amonatbonk and other financial institutions are mandated to undertake specific measures to increase the volume of loans annually and reach TJS 30 billion by 2026 in a mi.

In 2021, despite the negative impact of COVID-19 over TJS 6.8 billion of foreign investment, including TJS 2.5 billion of foreign direct investment were mobilized to the various sectors of the national economy, which increased the amount of total investment by 42%, and direct foreign investment by 39% respectively compared to 2020.

The Government is mandated to regularly undertake actions, to strengthen the mobilization of foreign investment, particularly into processing sector.

It is important to reach 10% share of direct investment in GDP during the next five years.

Currently 82 public investment projects worth more than TJS 42 billion are being implemented in the country.

However, the need of various sectors, including the social sphere in construction of relevant infrastructure still remains high.

Therefore, it is necessary to intensify efforts on mobilization of concessional resources and encourage more then TJS 60 billion of foreign investment to the national economy in the next five years.

 In this process practical measures should be taken for introducing a digital investor application tracking system in the Single-Window, and develop procedures for e-interaction with investors at all levels in public authorities.

At the same time by the end of 2022 the 24-hour electronic business registration process should be ensured.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The implementation of our national strategic goal on intensive industrialization will enable us to ensure sustainable development of industry as a source of value-added and in thereby create tens of thousands of new jobs.

During the Independence the number of industrial enterprises reached 2360.

(Sideline note: In 1992 there were only 368 industrial enterprises operating in the country).

In 2021 alone, 256 new enterprises with 2500 jobs started functioning.

However, despite the many incentives and reliefs we offered, there is still untapped potential for more greater intensive industrialization.

The huge resources of domestic raw materials make it possible to develop metallurgy, garment, food and pharmaceutical industries through the full processing of minerals, including non-ferrous and precious metals, as well as processing of agriculture products, medicinal herbs, that may result in increasing export and import substitutes as well as ensuring the rapid industrialization of the country.

In this regard the necessary measures should be taken for the establishment of enterprises availing of modern technologies, innovative technological parks, information processing centers, which will lead to creation of new jobs and manufacturing of value-added final products.

Over the next five years it is possible to significantly develop the industrial manufacturing within the Period of Industrial Development through the establishment of new enterprises, unlocking the existing potential, increasing the volume of mining and processing of ore, launching several new large-scale enterprises for the final processing of raw materials and thereby create thousands of new jobs.

To this end, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies and the State Committee for Investment and State Property Management jointly with other relevant agencies have to undertake measures to mobilize foreign direct investment.

These agencies also need to undertake practical actions to establish 5 campuses for final processing of cotton fiber through mobilization of more than TJS 11 billion to ensure the garment industry development in the next 5 years.

In addition, with a view to introducing incentives in the idol industrial enterprises including state-owned textile entities there is a need to introduce corporate governance in these facilities and ensure their effective operation with the involvement of private sector at the earliest possible.

The relevant authorities need to ensure the effective use of existing resources in order to develop the cocoon production, silk, “atlas”“adras” and “shohi” industries, which will provide an opportunity for creation of thousands of new jobs particularly for women and girls.

In this regard, I declare to exempt the mulberry plantations from single land tax and the legal entities engaged in processing of cocoon and manufacturing of “atlas”“adras”, “shohi” and other handmade weaving products from taxes fully for the next 10 years.

In order to develop various spheres of economy, it is necessary to ensure the transition to innovative technologies, in particular energy efficient equipment and thereby to widely ensure the manufacturing of competitive products with the use of green energy.

The Government is mandated to adopt and implement a National Artificial Intelligence Strategy in order to develop and widely apply the latest technologies in various areas of the country’s economy.

In order to meet the requirements of industry development, we have to pay special attention to improvement of the quality of education, and curriculum in higher education institutions to train professionals of new occupations.

Our abundant energy resources are key to industrial development.

Currently, 18 public investment projects worth TJS16.6 billion are under implementation focusing on further development of this sector.

Today we generate 98% of our electricity from renewable sources mainly hydropower and Tajikistan is ranked the 6th among lead countries of the world in terms of green energy.

Tajikistan is also among the lead countries in terms of the lower share greenhouse gas emissions.

In this regard, the generation and usage of green energy is among competitive advantages of our economy.

In this dimension, we are currently implementing grand projects on construction of hydropower plants and during the next 7 years we will increase our energy capacity by 4 thousand additional MWt through construction of “Roghun” and rehabilitation of “Norak”, “Sarband” and “Qayroqqum” hydropower plants.

On top of it is beneficial to widely use other renewable energy sources, including the solar and solar and wind powers and currently we started feasibility studies for 3 projects with total capacity 260 MWt to be implemented within the next 5 years.

With a view to national economy’s adaptation to the climate change, protecting environment and improving the environmental situation in the country the import of electric vehicles, including electro-mobiles, electro-buses, trolleybuses and similar items are fully exempted from tax and customs duties.

In this regard the Government needs to undertake necessary actions to gradually create infrastructures and other required conditions for use of such vehicles across the country.

The Government of Tajikistan is taking regular actions on construction and renovation of roads availing all possible opportunities.

Currently there13 public investment projects worth TJS 11 billion are implemented in the transport sector, which will enable to transform Tajikistan into a country with modern transit Tajikistan capacity.

The projects on construction and renovation of Obigarm-Nurobod, Hulbuk-Temurmalik-Kangurt, Dangara-Levakant-Bokhtar motorways, Qalaikhumb-Vanj section of Dushanbe-Qulma highway, Qizilqala-Bokhtar section of Dushanbe-Bokhtar, and Bekobod-Bobojon Gafurov-Konibodom, and construction of bridges over Panj river in Kokul site of Farkhor district and over Ghund river in the Khorug Town, as well as renovation of motorways and avalanche galleries in the site of Barsem of Shughnon district started.

During the next 5 years between 2022-2026 we will also start the projects on construction and renovation of the Guliston-Farkhor, Jallolidini Balkhi-Qubodiyon-Sharitus, Dangara-Guliston-Kulob, Rushon-Khorug-Kulma, Khujand-Konibodom and Khujand-Asht highways.

During the 2022-2026 more than 1000 km of roads, 53 bridges, 7 tunnels and 5 avalanche galleries, the majority of whom are of international importance will be constructed.

Constructions is one of the most important socio-economic spheres reflecting the development of the country and living standards of its people.

In 2021 alone construction works worth of TJS12.2 billion have been carried out in the country, which is 20% more compared to 2020.

During this period more than TJS 3.5 billion of fixed assets have been put into operation and 1.2 million m2 of housing and other facilities were commissioned.

With regard to the issues of this sphere I would like to underline once again that the Committee on Architecture and Construction, local authorities and other relevant agencies while developing and implementing the masterplans of the respective cities, towns and villages need to ensure the standards of planning and construction of social, tourism and other facilities in compliance with the urban development and construction requirements, following advanced architecture culture and through wider use of national and modern architecture style, as well as application of the latest technologies and quality construction materials.

During the years of Independence, the Government of the country along with agricultural reforms has also adopted and implemented a number of programs to support and ensure different aspects of the sphere.

During this period more than TJS 80 billion, were allocated from all sources of public funding for the development of agriculture, including TJS 9.4 billion in the framework of 29 public investment projects.

In addition, we introduced many tax and custom incentives, which enabled significant progress of the various agricultural dimensions.

For instance, during 20 years the number of poultry farms has increased from 21 to 200 and the poultry meat production increased by 9 times.

(Sideline note: Import of poultry meat decreased from 65000 tons, amounting to USD 50 million in 2014 to 3000 tons amounting to USD 9 million in 2021, that means it decreased by more than 21 times in terms of volume).

Also, the public support and incentives have led to the development of horticulture, viticulture, animal husbandry, poultry, aquaculture and apiculture.

The implementation of agricultural development programs during the Independence made it possible to increase the area of orchards and vineyards in the country by 3.6 times and the production of fruits and grapes by 4.3 times.

While he total area of orchards and vineyard was 56000 hectares in 1995, it reached 202 000 hectares in 2021.

The implementation of specific sector development programs and incentives provided by the Government enabled dynamic development in this area and made it possible to create 700 thousand of new jobs.

Additionally, we exempted farmers from unified agricultural tax in 2021 with a view to supporting them in the context of climate change and natural disasters, in particular droughts and floods, the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in the last years and preventing their negative impact.

This initiative has led to 6% increase in agriculture production this year compared to the previous year and ensured abundance of basic consumer goods in the consumption market.

(Sideline Note: Before the Independence our population’s demand for meat and potatoes used to be met by import mainly.

While in 1991 Tajikistan imported 150 000 tons of beef and 325000 tons of potatoes, currently the country does not import potatoes and animal meat anymore.

  • At the same time, in 2021 we exported more than 200 000 tons of fruits and vegetables were exported, which is 70000 tons more compared 2020).

In this regard I would like to recall an important point.

We all notice very well that lately, particularly during the last 2 years Tajikistan alongside many other countries has been witnessing droughts and low level of precipitation.

Reportedly according to media and the United Nations currently dozens of countries around the world have been experiencing starvation.

In this context we must take seriously the issue of efficient use of available resources and opportunities, primarily land and water, ensuring steady increase of food production and efficiency approach.

At the same time the relevant authorities should properly implement the sectorial strategies and programs, and undertake timely actions to develop seed production, to improve crop productivity, to increase agricultural production ton ensure the development of processing and food sectors, as well as to strengthen export capacities of the country.

Dear Compatriots,

During the Independence, we defined the creation of National Education and integration into the international education space as the most important objective and priority in the social policy of the State and the Government, because we believe Nation building begins with education and care about education is the investment towards the human development and prosperous future of the state and motherland.

Despite the fact that the teaching in educational institutions is systematized, however it is important to pay primary attention to further improve the quality of education, training of qualified professionals, learning the state language, the Tajik’s nation ancient history and culture, encouragements of students to master hard sciences, mathematics natural sciences, information technologies as well as foreign languages, particularly Russian and English.

(Sideline Note: Currently there are dozens of Educational, including per-schools’ facilities with foreign languages particularly the Russian language, as the language of instruction).

In this regard the leadership of educational institutions need to address the issues related to improvement of knowledge and professional skills of teachers at all levels of education, particularly the teachers of primary and secondary vocational schools, professional development and retraining of young skilled teachers meeting the latest requirements.

Therefore, with a view to training of teachers of math, hard and natural sciences with the knowledge of foreign languages, the Ministry of Education and Science is mandated to consider the launch of dedicated units in teacher training Universities.

(Sideline note: Overall, it is important to promote learning of foreign languages, particularly Russian and English all departments and units of higher education institutions, as Tajikistan currently enjoys diplomatic relations 180 countries and so does trade and economic relations with 130 countries of the world).

More than 315 000 pedagogical professionals for secondary and higher educational institutions, including 115 000 specialists for secondary and vocational schools have been trained during the Independence.

Currently 129 thousand teachers deliver lectures in secondary education institutions.

Staffing of educational institutions in the country accounts for is 98.7%

(Sideline note: There is a shortage of 1638 teachers in secondary schools).

The Ministry of Education and Science, given the needs of the current world and development of modern information technologies, need to draft a concept framework for digital education and submit it to the Government for review.

Over the past 30 years the Government of Tajikistan has taken all necessary measures to ensure the development of national science.

The research activities need to be strengthened given the demand of the national economy and the need for achievement of the fourth strategic goal on intensive industrialization in the areas of survey and exploration of subsoil resources and development of minerals sector.

The priority tasks of national scholars also include the development of approached on forecasting of potential risks and negative impacts of various factors on the national economy, digital services, promotion of green energy and green economy and comprehensive study of alternative sources, inventions and innovations, development an implementation of new of new energy efficient technologies and methods for production of pharmacies and mineral fertilizers based on local raw materials. With a view to preserving national values, history, culture, language and literature of our ancient nation our sociologist jointly with the intelligentsia need to implement their national and citizenship mission to better introduce the history, civilization and culture of the Tajik nation in the era of globalization.

Given the climate change and the unprecedented increase of the global average temperature and its negative consequences for human life, flora, fauna and glaciers of the country, our scientists have to conduct regular researches, studies and monitor the processes in these areas, and jointly with the regional and international scientists to develop and implement approaches on climate change adaptation mechanisms.

Culture as a key factor in the spiritual and moral upbringing of the society and ambassador of history has always been in the focus of the Government.

It is worth mentioning that the Government of Tajikistan has been implementing numerous initiatives on ancient history, culture and civilization of the Tajik nation both inside the country and internationally.

Preservation of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of our ancient nation, which is a live testimony to the six-thousand-year history of our people, is the most important task of ours - as the successors of this great heritage.

Revival of national values, protection and promotion of historical and cultural sites is very important for raising the spirit of patriotism and self-awareness of the people, especially teenagers and youngsters.

 Thanks to our sovereignty, we are reviving and developing the ancient values and traditions of our nation, including the “Shashmaqom”, “Falak”, Navruz, Tirgon, Mehrgon and Sada as their vivid example, with a view to improving the self-awareness and national identity of our compatriots, as well as decently introducing of our ancient people on the world stage.

The operation of a new building of the National Library with 10 million of books stock in the capital of our country-Dushanbe, arrangements of international book exhibitions, various competitions, in particular, the national competitions "Book is the source of enlightenment”, publication of a series of books "Stellars of Literature" in fifty volumes, free distribution of Bobojon Gafurov’s masterpiece "Tajiks", celebration the Day of Book, construction of dozens of theaters, palaces of culture, libraries, parks in cities and districts of the country and art trips of our performers to bulk of countries are the most important cultural achievements of our country during the period of state independence.

I would like to recall that our goal from arranging such competitions ntents as "Tajikistan - my beloved Homeland", "Book is the source of enlightenment”, "Science-Lantern to enlightenment", subject competitions and other events is to boaster the national identity, a sense of honor in the ancient history and civilization of our people, raising the public literacy and education level of our people, primarily of teenagers and youngsters, enhancing their aesthetic taste and exploring unique talent among the future creating generations.

We observe, the growth of a talented young generation, with language skills and eagerness to knowledge and culture in our society and we need to support them in every way possible.

I have to note, the objective of Tajikistan's initiatives in the field of culture and education implemented jointly with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is to strengthen the dialogue process on preservation of cultural heritage, ancient history and rich culture of our nation.

In 2021, along with the joint so-called “Silk Road: Zarafshan-Karakum corridor” initiative, 9 historical and cultural heritage sites of Tajikistan were inscribed into the UNESCO’s tentative List.

Also, the proposal of Tajikistan to inscribe the 2500th anniversary of "Takhti Sangin" ancient town to the UNESCO World Heritage List for 2022-2023 has been accepted.

Five days earlier, UNESCO inscribed another national cultural heritage of the Tajik people-"Falak" into its the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. It means that Falak got global recognition like Navruz.

 In October of this year, for the first time in the Europe an Exhibition of Historical Artifacts of Tajikistan entitled "Tajikistan-the Land of Golden Rivers" was launched at the “Guimet” National Museum of Asian Arts in Paris.

During the three months, the rich history and civilization of the Tajik people, the historical sites of our people in different centuries, the ancient cultural and artistic heritage and the unique art of the Tajik people have been presented to the people of Europe.

Development of the healthcare and public health sector, as one of the most important sectors, will remain a priority in the social policy of the Tajik State and the Government.

During the 30 years of state independence, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment have been introduced to improve the health of the country's population and to develop the healthcare system, as well as human capital in this sector and infrastructure of medical and social protection institutions have been improved.

(Sideline note: In 1990, there were 2860 healthcare facilities in Tajikistan with 52800 employees.

 Currently, there are 4700 healthcare facilities operating with 78,800 staff in the country.

During the 30 years of independence, 187000 doctors and paramedical staff have been trained for the healthcare sector).

Hundreds of new healthcare facilities have been built and provided with modern medical equipment, ambulances and other medical supplies thanks to the increased healthcare funding.

During the last three years alone, between 2019-2021, 1858 healthcare facilities have been built with funding from all sources in the framework of the action plan for landscaping and development on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of State Independence.

(Sideline note: While there were 2807 healthcare facilities in total in Tajikistan before 1991).

The level and quality of diagnosis and treatment has significantly improved compared to previous years, and the cases of medical visits abroad has decreased significantly.

In this regard, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection is mandated to undertake necessary actions to further introduce modern methods of diagnosis and treatment and innovative technologies in the healthcare practice of sectors institutions in order to improve access to quality and specialized services by the majority of population.

With a view to promoting a healthy lifestyle, protecting public health and improving the quality of medical and social services, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection jointly with local authorities need to improve the physical infrastructure of medical and social facilities undertake necessary measures to support the young professionals, to raise the level of professionalism of the healthcare providers. The Ministry jointly with other relevant Ministries and Agencies as well as businesses needs to undertake the specific measures to ensure the pharmaceutical industry development, and particularly production of pharmacies with the use of local medicinal herbs.

Currently, the country's healthcare facilities are staffed with doctors by 84% of and with paramedical staff by 96%.

Over the next five years, 13775 students will graduate from higher medical education and 47880 students from medical colleges.

In this regard the relevant authorities need to overcome the existing shortage of human resources during the next 2 years.

I would like to highlight that it is important to undertake serious and strict actions to address the two most important issues of the healthcare: 1) training of quality professionals, including specialist of infection and viral diseases; 2) development of pharmaceutical industry.

Today there is an ongoing new wave of COVID-19 and human death cases in many countries of the world.

In this regard I would like to address my people and highlight that though our country is free of this disease our people should not neglect and take this issue seriously. They rather need to be vigilant and follow the advice of experts and doctors.

Those coming from foreign countries need to be under the supervision of doctors for sure. They also need to think about the health of their family members, relatives and the community.

To date, 60 percent of the population has been vaccinated, and the vaccination needs to be scaled up, as this is the only effective way to prevent remain safe from this disease.


Distinguished ladies and gentlemen!

Women and girls play a very important role in building a democratic and secular society.

According to statistics, women comprise 49.3% percent of the country's population.

Today, it is hard to find any area in Tajikistan without effective engagement of women and girls.

Currently woman and girls make almost 68% of the healthcare staff, more than 73% of education workers, 27% of scientists, and more than 23% of agriculture staff.

Along with social spheres, including science and education, civil service, agriculture and industry, women also productively and dedicatedly work in the fields of transport, energy, communications, construction and architecture, banking, law enforcement agencies and Armed Forces of the country.

It is this reason that enhancement of women’s social status of women, including in leadership positions is has always been in the focus of the Government.

In this regard, and with a view to achieving the objectives of the national of the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan to 2030, which envisage increasing the number of Civil Servants up to 30% and the number of female leaders up to 25%, I would like to request to develop a draft “State program on training, selection and appointment of talented woman leaders for 2023-2030” during the next three months and submit for the review of the Government.

We should always remember one important point that a woman is a sacred being and all politicians, scholars and great figures of the world, including the Prophet of Islam brought to this world by women and became prominent thanks to the mother’s lifegiving milk.

Indeed, woman – mother is of a very high status in Islam, and it is not occasional that the fourth Surah(chapter) of the Holy Qur'an is entitled "An-Nisa" (Women).

Therefore, it is our paramount task to earn the respect of mothers, women and girls, to strive to address their issues and to create the environment for their education and professional career.

During the Independence, 11500 girls from remote mountainous areas had graduated from higher education institutions through the presidential quota.

In this period, 222 000 girls graduated from higher education institutions, and currently 100 000 of them pursue their education in these institutions.

Female students account for 8000 students of 42000 Tajik students studying in higher education institutions abroad.

The Government of the country has created all the necessary conditions and opportunities during the 30 years of Independence in order to support and encourage talented, well-educated, and patriotic young people. 

During 2011-2020, about 3000 sports facilities were built in the country.

Some 23% of the facilities built on occasion of the 30th anniversary of the State Independence are sports ones, which proves that utmost attention and care of the Government towards the young people.

The Youth are the future of the State and the Nation, the driving force of society and the strategic resource for development of the State and the Government.

I have stressed on many occasions and today I can proudly highlight that our young people have a strong sense of patriotism, stand ready to counter any threats and challenges against the State and the Nation, and prioritize national interests above any other interests.

We are proud of our honorable young people and we will further take all necessary measures to address their needs.

I am confident that our young people will proactively participate in the new societies transformation and will greatly contribute to the representation of Tajikistan on the international arena, protection of the values ​​of Independence and the development of our beloved Tajikistan.

I would like to emphasize that we live in third millennium and the century of unprecedented progress of science and technology, in a period when literacy, knowledge, science and technology manage all aspects of life

The mastery of knowledge, particularly mathematics, natural and hard science and learning occupations is the only and right way to be in tune with a time being and to ensure the development of the State and Society. Because the illiteracy, cruelty and superstition will stagnate the society.

I would like to reiterate that superstition is ignorance and ignorance brings only bad luck to humanity and leads to the regret of the state and society.

Therefore, it is important for parents to create favorable conditions to their children, both boys and girls, to study, learn science, gain knowledge and skills.

(Sideline Note: In the new century those countries will succeed in addressing the most difficult issues, who are advanced intellectually and technologically.

When the COVID-19 spread over the globe, it was the advanced countries only who found a solution to this issue-by creating vaccine.

We are witnesses ourselves that this disease can’t be treated by superstition).

Nowadays when science and technology are advancing at a space velocity, it will be quite difficult to survive without contemporary knowledge and modern occupations and the knowledge of foreign languages.

On the contrary, a knowledgeable and skilled person will always be able to learn his piece of bread, enjoy decent life and will never be downgraded.

We will further support the future creating generation by availing all possible resources.

(Sideline note: As we see today the advanced countries have been inventing, producing and widely using self-driving cars and aircrafts

However, with our rich history, which we are proud of, and with the abundant opportunities we still by everything from other advanced countries and work for economic development of others

Therefore, I always highlight that it is the professionals meeting the time requirement-inventors and innovators, architects and engineers, programmers and other advanced specialists, who can ensure the prosperity of the State).

Dear compatriots!

Along with the development of society, public relations changes constantly and in this context the harmonization of laws with the new realities is a key to ensuring sustainable political, socio-economic and cultural development of the country.

Improving the quality of laws, enhancing the mechanism of their implementation, ensuring compliance of acting legal framework with the requirements of society and citizens, in turn, requires constant and comprehensive cooperation between all branches of power.

In this regard, the Majlisi Milli (Upper Chamber) and Majlisi Namoyandagon (Lower Chamber) of Majlisi Oli (Parliament) and other legislators need to conduct regular analysis, including monitoring of the implementation of legislative acts, to determine the level of compliance of the country's legislation with the political goals, and should take effective measures to improve the legislation and efficiency of the law enforcement.

Along with the development and adoption of laws, their strict enforcement is important, as the non-compliance with the law leads to violations of human rights, interests of the state and society, organizations and institutions, legitimacy and justice, increase of criminality and disorders.

(Sideline Note: We must never forget the bitter lessons of contradiction, unrest, and lawlessness of 1991-1997).

Therefore, the Prosecutor General's Office is obliged to strengthen the supervision of implementation of laws by ministries, agencies and other organizations and institutions, regardless of their affiliation and form of ownership, as well as to raise the level of legal awareness of citizens.

In this process, the judicial authorities should carry out their functions with high professional responsibility, conduct timely, comprehensive, complete and impartial consideration of court cases, make law based and reasonable decisions, and thus ensure the protection of human and civil rights and interests of the state, organizations and institutions.

Drug trafficking is one of the main sources of funding of international terrorism and has strong links with other transnational organized crimes, including extremism, trafficking in persons and weapon smuggling.

In this regard, law enforcement agencies and other relevant authorities of the country should strengthen their activities in the field of prevention and countering drug trafficking and avail of all opportunities to reveal organized crime groups and drug trafficking.

Taking into consideration the growingly aggravating situation in the region and the world, as well as in order to ensure the security of the state and society, the Government, relevant ministries and agencies and local authorities are mandated to give priority to constant improvement of working and living conditions of officers and soldiers, technical modernization and equipment upgrade of the Armed Force, in particular the Border Troops, organize the mobilization of reserve forces, to provide them with the equipment and raise their professional level and readiness.

Distinguished Participants!

The real essence of “Open doors” principle we apply in our foreign policy is to establish and maintain friendly relations, good neighborliness, mutually beneficial partnership and cooperation with other countries, international and regional organizations, as well as international financial institutions.

In this regard, It is worth mentioning that Tajikistan has established diplomatic relations with 180 countries around the globe. It is a fully and proactive member of the United Nations, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Collective Security Treaty Organization, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and other reputable global and regional institutions.

In our foreign policy we always pay an utmost attention to development of strong ties with countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, with our strategic partners – Russian Federation, China and other partners such as the European Union, United States of America, countries of Asia, Middle East and the countries of other regions of the globe.

Our country is a great contributor in addressing global and regional challenges, including those related to water issues and climate change, countering terrorism and extremism, drug trafficking and organized crime.

The series of initiatives proposed by Tajikistan in addressing water issues, which is welcomed as “Dushanbe Water Process” introduced our country at the International Arena in a unique way.

Currently, the fourth initiative of Tajikistan – International Decade of Actions “Water for sustainable Development” 2018-2028 is under implementation at the national, regional and global levels.

At the same time, Tajikistan pays an utmost attention to the issue of climate change and the need for joint efforts to address its consequences as the biggest concern of the time being.

Over the past few decades, about a third of the glaciers of Tajikistan, which are the source of more than 60% of water resources in the Central Asian region has melted.

In view of this, our country is striving with its international partners to declare 2025 as the International Year of Glaciers Protection, designate the World Glaciers Day and establish International Glacier Found.


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

We are always in favor of the development of constructive cooperation with Central Asian countries based on friendship, cooperation, neighborliness, mutual respect and trust in the region.

Along with that, I would like to emphasize that amid on the sensitive and complex conditions in the region and the world, we have vital security tasks, including countering terrorism and extremism, drugs and arms trafficking, organized crime as well as illegal migration that are intensifying because of strained situation in neighboring Afghanistan.

As we witness the situation in neighboring country remains complicated.

It is more than 20 years that Tajikistan has been the attention of the world community to the Afghan case from the platform of various influential international and regional organizations.

Once again, I would like to reiterate that the tragic situation raining in this country is not the fault of the Afghan people with ancient civilization and history, but the result of foreign interference into its internal affairs which has been continuing for more than 43 years.

The people of Tajikistan will never forget the intervention of foreign interested parties that led to the outbreak of the imposed civil war of the 90s of the last century, as a result of which over 150 000 people died and more than 50 000 thousand children became orphans.

Given our such a bitter historical experience, we will never interfere into the internal affairs of our neighbors and do not have any biased motives in our relation with them.

We are always in favor of peace and political stability in our neighboring countries, so we would be able to live with them in an atmosphere of good neighborliness and constructive cooperation.

This is the reason, why Tajikistan as an immediate neighbor of Afghanistan, cannot remain indifferent towards the plight of this country’s suffering people.

We believe that the only way to achieve peace and stability in Afghanistan is to unite all people and create an inclusive government meeting the interests the interests and comprised of representatives from all ethnic groups and political forces.

I would like to reiterate that the people of Afghanistan, with their enormous political, civilizational, historical, cultural and social potential, must determine their present and future destiny, and the structure of governance and public administration should be identified based on the will and desire of the people of this country.

Today, Afghanistan, unfortunately, has entered a deep political and humanitarian crisis, which can have serious long-term consequences.

In this regard, we believe it is important for the international community to provide targeted humanitarian assistance to the suffering people of Afghanistan.

I would like to mandate the Government to undertake actions to provide humanitarian assistance to the brotherly people of Afghanistan based on our capacity.

Tajikistan, in coordination with relevant international organizations, has offered its wide logistics capabilities in this direction.

At present, six bridges built during independence on the borders of the two countries are operating to provide humanitarian assistance to the brotherly people of Afghanistan.

I highlighted many times, and would like to reiterate, that the situation in Afghanistan has a direct impact on the security and stability of the Central Asian region, including Tajikistan. Because Tajikistan shares a 1400-kilometer border with Afghanistan, which comprise 60% of the Central Asian region's total border with that country.

In other words, all the problems that arise in this area of the border, including the daily growing smuggling of drugs first and foremost are the burden on Tajikistan’s shoulders.

On this point, we are always in favor of the restoration of peace and political stability across this neighboring country as soon as possible.

I remark these details based on the resentful experience of the imposed civil war in Tajikistan during the 1990s.

Imagine had Afghanistan been stable in those days, extremist and terrorist groups with our citizens in their ranks, who were created with the support and assistance of the interested countries would not be able to use its territory as a base for their blood-soaked actions against Tajikistan.





Distinguished Members of Parliament!

Dear Compatriots!

The pathway traversed by our independent country traversed over the past thirty years, as well as the achievements we have made during this period, have clearly proved a very important point: our glorious people, thanks to their honor, dignity, high sense of patriotism, national identity and strong determination, can protect their sacred Homeland during the entangled and crisis conditions of the contemporary world, and further develop and enhance the image our sovereign and independent Tajikistan in the international arena.

During this period, thanks to the faithful efforts of the people of Tajikistan and the support shown by the country’s youth and adults towards the policy pursued by the leadership of the State and Government, we have overcome many socio-economic problems and formed a stable and developing country.

We have laid a solid foundation for a bright future of our people, the reinforcement of the economic capacity of our state, the prosperity of our Motherland and, most importantly, the continuous advancement of the living standards and decent life of our people.

Our constructive plans are based on four national strategic goals, as well as important programs. We have taken a wide range of measures so far to implement them.

I am confident that the members of Parliament, and the Government, civil servants and the glorious people of the country will make every patriotic effort to implement the adopted plans and programs, including plans for industrialization, prosperity and development of our Motherland and contribute to celebration the 35th anniversary of Tajikistan's State independence with more decent achievements.

I would like to mandate the Government, ministries, departments and local executive authorities to draft a plan of actions for decent celebration 35th anniversary of the State independence and the period of industrial development, within six months and submit them for the review of the Head of State.

In the next five years, we must mobilize all our resources, capabilities and efforts for the sake of the development and progress of our independent state, the prosperity of our beloved Motherland and a worthy welcoming of this blessed and sacred national holiday.

Our dear compatriots are well aware that over the years, the situation in the world is becoming more complex and modern threats and dangers are getting more apparent.

Therefore, we should always be grateful for having our own state and always be vigilant, gathered and united.

We should always be patient, support each other, take care of orphans and persons with disabilities, as well poor families, love our motherland faithfully, raise our children in this spirit and never betray our motherland, nation and State as neither God nor its Ummah forgive betrayal.

We understand very well that our people still have many challenges in there life.

Nevertheless, we remain firmly confident to resolve all the problems and shortcomings by ourselves in the nearest future through the united and loyal efforts of our noble people.

I would like to emphasize that only strong will and determination, optimism for a bright future, virtuous efforts in favour of the Motherland and the State can enable us to achieve our supreme goals.

 Addressing my dear compatriots, I would like to recall a significant point: since we have unitedly turned a war-torn country that was about to perish, into the land of peace and harmony, political stability, national unity and prosperity, we will be able to overcome all other problems, and make our beloved Tajikistan more prosperous, beautiful and advanced through collective and patriotic efforts in the nearest future.

I would like to wish all of you, dear participants and glorious people of Tajikistan, good health, dignity and every success!



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