Meeting with the Chairman of the Asian Water Council
On July 7, 2023, in Songsan, Gyeonggi Province, the Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of Korea ....
08.07.2023 05:20
Meeting with the President of Association of friendship between the Republic of Korea and Central Asia Madam Lee Ok Ryun.
07.07.2023 05:14
Meeting with the Director-General, European affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea Mr. Choi Taeho.
05.07.2023 05:08
Reception regarding the Republic of Korea’s candidature to the World Heritage Committee MOFA, June 29, 2023
30.06.2023 05:05
Celebration of National Unity Day
On June 27, 2023, at the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in Seoul, on the 26th anniversary of the ....
29.06.2023 18:44
Presentation of copies of the Credentials
On June 27, 2023, Salohiddin Kirom, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of ....
27.06.2023 18:28
The Exhibition of historical items titled "Tajikistan - the land of golden rivers" at the Guimet National Museum of Asian Arts, Paris, France
The Exhibition of historical items titled
"Tajikistan - the land of golden rivers"
at the Guimet National Museum of Asian Arts,
Paris, France
13 ....
03.03.2022 15:57
Economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan
Major macroeconomic indicators of Tajikistan 2021
As a result of implementation of instructions of the Founder of Peace and National Unity ....
26.01.2022 14:10
Telephone conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey
On May 1, 2021 the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Sirojiddin Mukhriddin had a telephone conversation ....
02.05.2021 18:46
Foreign Ministers of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan discussed the situation in the border areas
On 29 April 2021, at the initiative of the Kyrgyz side the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of ....
01.05.2021 18:51
Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
On the evening of 29 April 2021, a working meeting was held between representatives of the Republic of Tajikistan and ....
01.05.2021 18:49
JOINT STATEMENT: Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan Express Desire and Readiness to Resolve All Issues Through Negotiations
On 30 April 2021,in a neutral territory between the Guliston and the Kyzyl-Bel checkpoints, a meeting of working groups was ....
01.05.2021 18:47
Мулоқоти Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон бо Раиси Парламенти Ҷумҳурии Корея
06.04.2021 15:45
Meeting with the Head of Yonhap News Agency
On 22 March 2021, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of Korea Yusuf ....
24.03.2021 01:26
Ҳамватанони муҳтарам!
26.02.2021 18:46