Roghun Hydropower Plant Second Unit Launch Ceremony
On the 9th of September the Founder of the National Peace and Unity, the Leader of the Nation, President of ....
10.09.2019 21:42
Meeting of the Ambassador with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Kuwait for Protocol Affairs
On July 23, 2020, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the State of Kuwait Zubaydzoda Zubaydullo ....
23.07.2020 15:40
Congratulatory speech of the Ambassador
Distinguished colleagues,
Members of diplomatic corps in Tajikistan and Kuwait,
Dear friends,
Esteemed compatriots!
I am extremely delighted and privileged to announce that today, ....
31.03.2020 12:15
Meeting of the Ambassador with the Deputy Foreign Minister of the State of Kuwait for Asian Affairs
On July 27, 2020, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the State of Kuwait Zubaydzoda Zubaydullo ....
27.07.2020 18:17