Warning about fraudulent pseudo-website similar to the official websites for issuing of visa of the Republic of Tajikistan
The Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the French Republic informs you thatlatelythe Main Consular Department of the Ministry ....
19.02.2020 15:13
Information on introduction of electronic visa of the Republic of Tajikistan for a term of 60 days
We inform you that an electronic visa of the Republic of Tajikistan for a term of 60 days has been ....
03.03.2020 15:59
Эълон – Объявление
Ба таваҷҷуҳи ҳамватанони дар қаламрави Фаронса ва Италия қарордошта расонида мешавад, ки бо назардошти паҳншавии коронавирус (COVID-19), дар ҳолатҳои таъҷилӣ ....
17.03.2020 04:04
Announcement for Tajik nationals currently on French territory
Please find below a summary of the arrangements made by the Ministry of the Interior of France for the stay ....
27.03.2020 04:14
Хабар дар бораи парвози чартерӣ аз Франкфурт
01.07.2020 12:38
Annonce sur la tenue d'élections présidentielles au Tadjikistan et le fonctionnement de bureau de vote à Paris
Chers compatriotes,
Nous vous informons que le dimanche11octobre 2020 les élections présidentielles seront organiséesau Tadjikistan qui, comme vous le savez, ....
30.09.2020 13:06
«Made in Tajikistan-2020» Exhibition
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan in connection with the current economic situation in the ....
20.11.2020 05:06
JOINT STATEMENT: Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan Express Desire and Readiness to Resolve All Issues Through Negotiations
On 30 April 2021, in a neutral territory between the Guliston and the Kyzyl-Bel checkpoints, a meeting of working groups ....
30.04.2021 22:12
Tajikistan introduces visa-free regime for 52 nations across the globe
The Embassy informs all the interested parties and foreign citizens that according to the Decree of the Government of the ....
17.11.2021 04:13
Announcement on the order of registration of foreign citizens in Tajikistan
Foreign citizens who have a standard visa and who are subject to a visa-free regime for entry, stay and ....
22.02.2022 13:29
INFORMATION by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan on aggression of the Kyrgyz Republic against the territorial and state border integrity of the Republic of Tajikistan
On September 14, at 7:15am, military units of the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security of the ....
19.09.2022 14:41
Commentary on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on declaring 2025-2030 as the “Years of Digital Economy and Innovation Development”
Ensuring the systematic development of artificial intelligence, digitalization of the national economy and innovative technologies is one of the priority ....
08.01.2025 13:23